How Much Do Instagram Ads Cost?

Identity Pro’s average monthly cost to advertise on Instagram at just Rs. 8000 – Rs. 18,000. Continue reading to know how much do Instagram Ads Cost in India.


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Instagram Ads Cost In India

The Instagram sponsored ads help you to promote your brand and product in a friendly, authentic way without hard selling to your customers. That’s why most business owners prefer Instagram sponsored ads. Instagram advertising is often utilized to grow brand exposure, the website traffic and generate new leads.

At the outset, the typical cost of Instagram advertising hovers between Rs. 0.82 and Rs. 290, given the chosen bidding mechanism.

Instagram advertising costs can basically be divided into three sections – Cost per click (CPC), Cost per engagement (CPE), and Cost per thousand impressions (CPM). 

Cost Per Click (CPC)

Across all parameters, the cost per click on Instagram was between Rs. 41 and Rs. 82. These include all the clicks that took place on the ad. In the case of destination URLs, the cost per click hovered between Rs. 41 and Rs. 78.

Cost Per Engagement (CPE)

CPE which compares the cost to the total amount of engagements on an Instagram post that includes likes, shares, comment, or any other type of interactions on your ads.

Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM)

The cost per one thousand impressions on Instagram on an average is Rs. 550. Another important consideration in determining Instagram advertising cost is demographics.


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Does It Make Sense To Spend Through Instagram Advertising?

Paying for advertising on Instagram is worth it, according to statistics. Instagram's ad revenues may reach over $18 billion by 2021, and many big brands pay big bucks to advertise on the platform.

Higher Order Values

Various studies found that the normal order value for an Instagram advertiser is $65. Though Facebook ranks a bit higher in social media sales, the average value of the order is around $50 which is less than Instagram.

Better Click-Through-Rate (CTR)

Though you can split your ad budget throughout networks, Instagram tends to have the best CTRs. As per a survey done by Fortune, Instagram advertising boasts a 2.5 times higher click-through rate than other social media platforms.

Better Conversion Rates

Instagram ads have higher conversion rates than other networks, in addition to producing higher order values. Instagram advertising has a conversion rate of 1.08 percent on average. Pinterest advertisement have a conversion rate of 0.54% and 0.77% for Twitter.

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